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Clinical Procedures In Emergency Medicine Ebook

카테고리 없음

by wohndichboymoc1988 2020. 3. 2. 09:30


Roberts and hedges’ clinical procedures in emergency medicine and acute care, 7th edition

Emergency Medicine: The principles of practice, 5th edition is a practical guide to assist doctors and other health professionals with patients presenting with acute problems. With contributions from over 60 eminent emergency physicians, doctors and other health professionals, the book provides the most up-to-date coverage of treatment and management in acute medical care including resuscitation, diagnosis, investigations, treatment and further care.Emergency Medicine, 5th edition contains essential information and provides a quick reference tool for emergency physicians, hospital residents, paramedics, ambulance officers, nurses and general practitioners, as well as students of these disciplines. Key Features. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation2.

Securing the airway and ventilation: Resuscitation procedures3. Resuscitation and emergency procedures4. Ultrasound in emergency medicine5. The patient with chest pain, dyspnoea or haemoptysis6. Acute Myocardial infarction7. Respiratory emergencies, acute breathlessness8.

Acute pulmonary oedema9. Pulmonary embolis and venous thrombosis10. Clinical Electrocardiology and arrhythmia management12.

Emergency Medicine Procedure List

Neurosurgical emergencies14. Aortic and vascular emergencies15. Orthopaedic principles, fractures and dislocations16. Hand injuries and care17. Urological emergencies18. Pain control and analgesia20.

Patient transport and retrieval21. Mass casualty, chemical, biological and radiological hazard contingencies22. Sick patients and tips24. Gastrointestinal emergencies25. Poisoning, overdosage and alcohol26.

Electrical injuries29. Hypothermia, hyperthermia30. Childhood emergencies31. Geriatric care32. Emergency gynaecology33. Endocrine emergencies34. Metabolic disorders35.

Ophthalmic emergencies36. Ear, nose and throat emergencies37. Dental emergencies38. Mental health presentations39. Dermatological presentations to emergency40.

Infectious diseases41. The immunocompromised patient42. Diagnostic imaging44.

Rural emergencies, indigenous or remote emergency attendances45. Advanced nursing roles46. Working with IT and the General Practitioner47. Quality emergency care and administration48. Students guide to an emergency term.

. Categories. (56). (37). (182).

(347). (45). (67). (89). (670). (79).

(86). (601). (181). (115). (184). (28). (88).

(93). (60). (16). (33). (38). (71).

(12,691). (136). (8). (64). (37).

(123). (93). (41). (120). (149). (84).

(46). (169).

(6). (107). (69). (809). (335). (154). (183).

Clinical Procedures In Emergency Medicine Ebook Pdf

(628). (178). (124). (205). (394).

(595). (1). (151). (166). (221). (515). (167).

(51). (39). (90). (482). (68). (67).

(4). (75). (19). (47). (36). (3).